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Art Studio & Sheep Farm in Sherwood, Oregon
(503) 625-4051
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Why Knit with Shetland Wool?
Shetland sheep wool is a type of wool that comes from Shetland sheep, which are a breed of sheep native to the Shetland Islands, located...

Why Choose Shetland Sheep for the Sustainable Farm?
There are several reasons why we've chosen to keep Shetland sheep here at Sherwood Lavender Farm: Shetland sheep are a small, hardy breed...

What are the Main Varieties of Lavender?
Lavandula angustifolia in the Copper still for distillation at Sherwood Lavender. Photograph by Erika Yigzaw There are many varieties of...

How to Grow Lavender in the Pacific Northwest
Many people think of Lavender as a challenging plant to grow in the Pacific Northwest due to the region's cooler and wetter climate, but...

Green Cleaning: Why I Love Lavender Essential Oil (And You Should, Too!)
Ahh, lavender! It is absolutely one of my favorite flowers and essential oils. I became addicted to lavender 15 years ago during our...

Welcome to Sherwood Lavender Farm U-Pick for 2017!
Pick a big bunch for only $10 of either True lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) for cooking, relaxation, sachets etc. or Lavandin...
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